Honeybee Removal Services

Swarm Removal

We are honeybee removal experts specializing in safe and humane swarm relocation. Our experts remove honeybee swarms and transport them to a new habitat set aside just for them. As essential pollinators, honeybees play a critical role in ecosystems and food production. However, if not removed safely, they can threaten people and animals.

We understand that honeybee swarms can cause anxiety, so we take the time to explain the relocation process and answer any questions our clients may have. By protecting honeybees, we safeguard our planet's health and well-being.

If you have a honeybee swarm on your property, don't worry. Contact our team to learn more about our swarm relocation service and how we can help safeguard honeybees in your community.

Our honeybee swarm removal service starts at $299.

Structural Cut-Out

If honeybees have taken up residence in your home or business, we can help. Our licensed, insured experts will evaluate the extent of your honeybee population. They will discuss a removal plan with you and will answer any honeybee removal questions you may have.

With our structural honeybee cut-out service, the hive is located and carefully removed from the structure. We remove the bees, wax comb, honey, brood, and other associated material and debris. Then, the space is filled and sealed to prevent further infestations. We take great care to minimize any damage to your property while using specialized tools and methods to ensure a complete and effective removal operation.

Our honeybee removal service is dedicated to offering outstanding customer service and preserving the environment. To schedule your structural honeybee cut-out service and contribute to the preservation of these vital pollinators, contact us right away.

Our structural honeybee cut-out service starts at $999.

Structural Trap-Out

A honeybee trap-out service can be useful when a cut-out service is not a viable option. A successful trap-out service usually involves a thorough inspection, a customized plan, frequent follow-up inspections, and a bit of patience.

The idea of a honeybee trap-out is to give the honeybees an attractive new home while blocking re-entry into their previously infested location. This takes time, and it involves checking the trap often to make sure it is working as intended. Once the bees have accepted the new home, the hive is removed and relocated to a place the bees will enjoy.

To schedule a honeybee trap-out service, contact us, and we’ll get you squared away.

Our honeybee trap-out service starts at $799.

Beekeeper Training

The regulatory environment has experienced some rapid changes when it comes to structural honeybee removal services in Georgia. Many beekeepers with decades of experience are trying to navigate these seemingly murky waters. We want to help!

Our 50+ years of experience navigating Georgia Structural Pest Control regulations allows us to help individuals who don’t know where to start. We want to help you keep from being left behind.

We can provide in-person, email, phone, or web conference guidance to help you get where you need to be when it comes to education, experience, and licensing.

We proudly provide this service at no charge to you.